What stands between your reality and your dreams?

Limitations loom,
But we can break through the walls,
And reach for the stars.
I hope you have dreams. I don’t think you would be here if you did not. The goal of this program is to understand your dreams and help you get on the path to making your dreams come true.
There is a Chinese Proverb “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step“. True enough.
For this journey I think it is important to take a step back before we move forward. I want us to be clear on where you are at this moment and generally, how you got here. This is clarity that will be extremely helpful.
That Chinese proverb and I agree. Taking action is the first step. But knowing where you are and what obstacles might be in your way are critical to a successful journey.
The part that I find confounds so many is the worry about obstacles. Concern about obstacle is prudent but not a reason to abandon the journey. There are many paths and many ways to overcome obstacles. That is the essence of this program. To find a way to start on your journey with confidence so that you can conquer obstacles. Maybe you will need to go over them, under them or around them. Maybe you will need to just blast through an obstacle. You might even need to adjust your journey. But I am confident that there is a path for you to achieve your dreams no matter the obstacles.